Africa Can Accelerate Economic Growth Through A United Traditional Leadershp

Togbe Afede XIV

Togbe Afede XIV, Agbogbomefia of Asogli State, has said solidarity among traditional leaders in Africa is critical to more grounded continental integration, strengthening and progress, and ought to be promoted.

A united traditional leadership would support systems and organizations, including the continental free trade, and the African Union to speed up economic growth across the landmass, he said.

According to Togbe Afede XIV, the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCETA) gave the best way to modern development and better expectations for everyday comforts, and along these lines traditional leaders should all in all help endeavors at expanding internal trade.


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As the African Union (AU) has lately been spearheading the reason for AfCETA, Togbe Afede XIV believes that an answer for Africa’s financial troubles can be addressed through more grounded continental reconciliation. He is however encouraging Africa to critically look at tending to the low degree of trading among Africans.

He said:

“I believe we traditional leaders can also contribute. I believe traditional leaders coming together can impact more on Africa’s togetherness, can promote better understanding among Africans, can promote more empathy and love among Africans than our politicians can do because we are in touch with the grassroots.

“So I believe that an African Traditional Leadership union can go a long way to augmenting what our politicians are doing so we can have a stronger Africa- an Africa that is more together.

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