As at now, around fifty four (54) countries in Africa has recorded more than 100,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 3,000 deaths.
But for the speedy mediation of several African governments, the cases would have crossed an exceedingly sudden number. The governments, after hearing of the presence of the pandemic in December 2019, they didn’t unwind but put in all the measures to control it.
Because of the substantial ‘blow’ by the pandemic, economies and jobs have been affected as the interest for Africa’s commodities has fallen and the travel industry also declining strongly. Remittances – which can represent more than 10 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – are additionally evaporating.
As of now, the cost of oil, which represents 40 percent of Africa’s exports and 7.4 percent of GDP, has declined considerably, decreasing incomes for several countries on the continent.
With respect to coffee and cocoa, earnings have come down particularly in Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire and other producing countries. Casual workers, 85.8 percent of the work power, lacking social insurance or cradles against financial stuns, are confronting the overwhelming results.
The pandemic has in fact hit hard at Africa driving in excess of 29 million people into intense poverty. Nothing is by all accounts moving as everything has lowered ‘down’.
There are food deficiencies on the continent, with the disturbance of global supply chains impressively affecting export limits. In fact, the pandemic has brought long-standing fragilities and disparities into sharp relief.
Doctors, medical attendants, other bleeding edge laborers, ordinary residents, the old and youthful, are exhibiting penance, mental fortitude and duty in the battle against the pandemic.
Other than the World Health Organization, the African Union (AU) administration reacted quickly to the emergency, setting up a planned mainland approach, building up an anti COVID-19 Response Fund and designating exceptional envoys to mobilize worldwide support.
Beyond the health response, the UN quickly scaled up its activities across the peace and security, humanitarian and development nexus to support the African response to COVID-19.
Guided by a Socio-Economic Response system, the UN is working across Africa to help governments in tending to the financial effects of the emergency, from guaranteeing fundamental health administrations, social protection and essential services to securing employments, managing monetary and macroeconomic approaches and advancing social union and network flexibility.
The UN Secretary-General has called for more than $200 billion for Africa as a major aspect of a complete worldwide reaction package, as well as an across-the-board debt standstill, options towards debt sustainability and solutions for structural issues in the international debt architecture.
By and large, the continent will recuperate and work back better.