“Digital Soldiers” Have Waged Into The Russia And Ukraine War

As indicated by research arm of Check Point Software Technologies, the number of cyberattacks being pursued by – and for the benefit of – Ukraine and Russia since the episode of the war is exceptionally surprising.

Ukraine’s Cyberproof president Yuval Wollman, said Ukraine authorities estimate about 400,000 worldwide programmers have voluntarily themselves up to assist with countering Russia’s digital attacks.

According to Wollman, Russia will fight back against nations and organizations that are favoring Ukraine, particularly considering its tactical hardships.

Digital war is being pursued, among Ukraine and Russia, however on behalf of these nations by “digital soldiers” from around the world.

The war which is connected with the Ukraine-Russia struggle is flooding as digital volunteers from around the world has entered the battle.

Threat intelligence at Check Point Software says for the first time in history anyone can join a war. And they are seeing the entire cyber community involved, where many groups and individuals have taken a side, either for Russia or Ukraine.

In the first three days following the invasion, online attacks against Ukrainian military and governmental sectors increased by 196%, according to Check Point Research (CPR).

They also modestly increased against Russian (4%) and Ukrainian (0.2%) organizations, according to the data, while simultaneously falling in most other parts of the world.

Check Point Research (CPR) further reveals that, grassroots volunteers have created widespread disruption — graffitiing anti-war messages on Russian media outlets and leaking data from rival hacking operations. CPR says they have never seen this level of involvement by outside actors unrelated to the conflict.

Interestingly, we are into the third week of the war, but Ukraine continues to sustain a barrage of online attacks, with most aimed at its government and military. Meanwhile, Moscow has consistently denied that it engages in cyberwarfare or assists cyberattacks.

CPR data shows attacks on Russia decreased over the same timeframe. There may be several reasons for that. As a long-time target of suspected Russian cyberattacks, Ukraine is seemingly welcoming the digital help.

Ukraine’s digital minister Mykhailo Fedorov, said some 308,000 people joined a Telegram group known as the “IT Army of Ukraine.”

The group is focused on disrupting Russian websites, preventing disinformation and getting accurate information to Russian citizens. According to them, it’s working.

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Meanwhile, it’s widely expected that Moscow and its supporters will retaliate against countries that side with Ukraine, and potentially the growing list of banks and businesses that are withdrawing from the country.

Russia is widely believed to be behind several digital attacks against Ukraine in the weeks prior to the invasion, but since then Russia has shown restraint, at least for now.

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