Former Judge of the most watched Talent Show in the world, America’s Got Talent, Gabrielle Union has uncovered how she contracted Bronchitis by way of the smoking propensity of executive producer and senior Judge of the show, Simon Cowell.
According to Gabrielle Union, she wound up in a workplace with Cowell who is usually seen smoking cigarettes in a shut entryway and set. Union stated, this triggered her smoke hypersensitivity and made her fall sick for some months.
Clearly, Union didn’t like this, so she had to grumble to other producers of the show. The producers additionally revealed to her that they were aware of the circumstance, but there was viably nothing to be done about it.
Gabrielle Union said she was powerless and couldn’t get away and ended up falling sick for two months. From the beginning, it looked like a flu and in the long run graduated to Bronchitis.
The interesting part of this issue was the point at which her voice was to some degree affected. That didn’t end there, she also transferred her runny nose to fellow judge Howie Mandel, who lives with OCD and germaphobia.
Gabrielle Union further said:
“It put me in a position from day one where I felt othered,” she explained. “I felt isolated. I felt singled out as being difficult, when I’m asking for basic laws to be followed.”
Meanwhile, when Simon Cowell’s spokesperson was asked about this issue, he said he also reached out to Cowell. And as per the senior judge, when he was directly informed of the smoking complaint during the first couple of days of the season, he immediately changed his behavior and the issue was never raised again.
Union further said:
“At the end of all this, my goal is real change — and not just on this show but for the larger parent company,” Union said. “It starts from the top down. My goal is to create the happiest, most high-functioning, inclusive, protected and healthy example of a workplace.”