Gender Ministry And Social Protection Begins Work On A Special Protection Shock Response Strategy

The Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection (MoGCSP) has begun work on a National Social Protection Shock Response Strategy (NSPSRS), with an inception meeting held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, attended by key stakeholders.

The purpose of this strategy is to assist in responding to shocks.

The meeting explored and embraced the commencement report, making way for the subsequent stages in the procedure’s turn of events.

Dr. Ofei Aboagye, who is well-known for her extensive work on the National Social Protection Policy, was also officially introduced at the inception meeting. She will lead the team as it develops the strategy.

Madam Francisca Abena Atuluk, Director of the Social Protection Directorate, spoke on behalf of Dr. Afisah Zakariah, Chief Director, and emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to developing a robust framework for effectively responding to social protection shocks.

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She mentioned the necessity of a comprehensive strategy that guarantees prompt assistance to vulnerable populations during crises.

“This exercise has become imperative as Ghana strives to strengthen its social protection systems to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to shocks in an effective, coordinated, and timely manner,” Madam Atuluk said.

She noticed that environmental change has turned into a huge danger to both regular and human frameworks, affecting the country’s actual climate and economic stability.

She went on to say that:

“Ghana is not exempt from these effects, having experienced volatile rainfall patterns, heatwaves, fire outbreaks, and flooding, which impact approximately 45,000 Ghanaians each year, with droughts affecting 13% of the population”

Madam Atuluk highlighted that the development of the National Social Protection Shock Response Strategy is crucial for guiding the preparedness, management, and responsiveness of social protection programmes.

“This will help mitigate the impact of shocks on affected individuals and society at large, which can be devastating, with ripple effects on health, security, and livelihoods,” she said.

The development of the system represents a critical step in the right direction in understanding the Ministry’s vision of upgraded social security mediations, lining up with the Ministry’s guide for building a stronger and comprehensive financial climate for all Ghanaians.

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