Ghana’s Coronavirus Goes Up To 17,351

Ghana’s all out affirmed cases of the novel Coronavirus has ascended to 17,351. This implies that the country has recorded 609 new cases since the last update by the Ghana Health Service.

The all out number of people who have recouped from the novel COVID-19 has also expanded to 12,994.

At present, Ghana has 4,345 dynamic cases with 112 deaths. As of Saturday, 27 June 2020, the country has recorded 17,351 affirmed cases, with 12,994 recuperations, representing 75% of positives.

Subsequent to conducting 294,867 tests, there are 4,245 dynamic cases, which is one of the highest on the African continent.

Thirty individuals are harshly and fundamentally sick, with a total of 112 deaths, establishing 0.6% of positives. Thusly, Ghana despite everything, keeps up its position as one of the most minimal death rates in the world.

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