Greece Have Also Had Their Share Of The COVID-19 ‘Cake’

Numerous Greeks are not any more upbeat when there is a public holiday in the country due to the flood in coronavirus cases that has just seen Greece’s cases rising. In the past, Greeks rushed from urban areas to the places where they grew up and villages to celebrate holidays particularly the supposition of Mary. At the point when it was just about some few days to a unique public holiday in the country, the boulevards were extremely quiet. 15th August isn’t only a religious holiday for Greeks, but additionally the period they take yearly leave.

People have a good time to the fullest with parades toward the beginning of the day followed by music and dancing in town squares late into the night. However, this year, that has changed as Covid-related guidelines have put a buzzkill on all events. Toward the beginning of August, 2020, the legislature of Greece had to announce a progression of new measures to contain the quick rising number of cases, including the preclusion of every single religious celebration. On the 12th of August, the country recorded its most noteworthy ever daily count of 262,22 with the numbers being traced to foreign travelers.

Before the recent rise in COVID-19, Greece was lauded for their superb handling of the pandemic. But after the decision to welcome international travelers, the circumstance deteriorated. As per some COVID-19 experts in Greece, there is less police oversight in the country’s rural areas than in the urban spots. Perhaps, that might be one reason for the ascent in cases. This doesn’t mean, some significant events like festivals won’t fall off. According to experts, there is a huge likelihood that a few festivals will fall off.

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