“It’s Mine, And You Can’t Have It!”, Lilian screamed to her spouse. Surprisingly, the husband stood stunned, shaking, and looked at the wife, speechless. Although the spouse’s intelligence was not easily trampled upon, it appeared that the husband was attempting to outwit her.
Kelvin, at the time the boyfriend, maneuvered his way through to marry Lilian because she is a heir to his father’s wealth. It was love from the beginning, but Kelvin had a different point of view along the way. He devised a covert strategy to share that enormous wealth with him. But Lilian wasn’t aware of it until five years later, when she noticed the hubby’s changed attitude.
Kelvin made every conscious effort to entice the wife to possibly gain access to some of the wealth, which included farms, businesses, real estate, and other properties. It appeared that Lilian is the sole surviving child of her parents who tragically lost both of their lives in a car accident.
Therefore, Kelvin planned to exploit his wife. But as smart as Lilian could be, she quickly moved all of the wealth’s documents to a safe haven and gave them out for safe keeping after studying her husband’s actions, comments, aggression, and sudden shift in conversation.
The husband started being extremely nice to his wife without knowing it, and he conversed with her a lot to find out where she might have kept the documents. In fact, Kelvin was just too nice to Lilian, something he hasn’t done in a long time. Naturally, as a smart person, if you get too much attention, you might spill some secrets without even realizing it.
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But Lilian maintained her position. She was still able to function because her test of high intelligence was her capacity to simultaneously think of two opposing ideas. It is evident that Kelvin entered the marriage for the wrong reasons—to exploit this woman. Nevertheless, Lilian kept thinking aloud, “It’s Mine, And You Can’t Have It!”
Kelvin kept pushing, asking his wife how they would spend the day after their first baby was born, how they would fly to other countries with lots of tourist attractions and have fun, and so on. In fact, Kelvin kept pushing until he realized there was no way to get Lilian to reveal where some of the documents to the wealth were.
As a result, while the wife was out of the house, he began his search. Before darkness falls, Lilian, the CEO, makes daily visits to nearly all of her businesses. Kelvin also takes advantage of her absence to conduct unsuccessful searches throughout the eight-bedroom house. Meanwhile, Lilian had already informed the police about the incident in case her husband tried to steal anything from the house.
Sadly for Kelvin, Lilian ran into him one fine afternoon as he was busy looking for something. She said this while staring him in the face:
“You have seriously disappointed me. I thought you loved me. What happened to the two companies I gave you?. Life is unfair. You have let me down, but the fact is
“It’s Mine, And You Can’t Have It!”. Thank you”. She skipped him and immediately went to bed.
Kelvin walked into the bedroom, speechless, down, and ashamed, and knelt before Lilian in an effort to ask for forgiveness. Even though he was cunning, he started to cry just to win his wife’s heart, but Lilian’s expression suggests that he has no mercy for the wicked. In point of fact, “no mercy for the cripple”: Greed has cost a lot of lives.
Millions of people around the world have lost out because of Greed. But people do not learn from its drawbacks. It’s clear that money is not everything in life. Despite its benefits, life is more important than making money the wrong way.
The wife might have even surprised him with something else if Kelvin had been a little reluctant and patient. However, he gave up due to greed and cruelty. Patience and self-sacrifice are essential in life. The only 100% guaranteed solution is abstinence.
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In general, greed has led many people to engage in irrational behaviors like gambling, hoarding, swindling, and even theft. Even the phrase “fraud is the daughter of greed” has been used by some experts. Many souls have been destroyed by this behavior. The Christian Bible says that greed kills the possibility of a good human relationship with the Creator, which is why it is called a “deadly sin.”
Even without the Bible, greed is practically the same as wickedness, because it can lead you to kill for something you want. The interesting thing is that, rich people who keep trying to get more money are often called greedy. But do they all behave like that? That warrants a separate discussion at a later time.
Greedy people are always obsessed with something and will continue to pursue it, no matter how big or dangerous it may appear. They always have a “power” to go for it whether it is extremely bad or not. In fact, they act in a devouring and grasping manner. They believe that their emotional needs must be met immediately. As a result, they never stop wanting more.
The fact of the matter is that, working for your own possessions rather than those of others is highly rewarding and satisfying. A lot of people who have been harmed by greed have developed some sort of hatred for other people. In fact, some people have amassed a lot of wealth through avarice and questionable means, causing others harm. But until Karma strikes back, they don’t care.
Greed is a strong, self-centered desire for something, particularly food, power, or wealth. Greed is frequently associated with stress, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. It manifests itself when we attempt to satisfy fundamental emotional needs by acquiring things that cannot.
However, there are times when those things can serve as a mental substitute for what we require. They can give us a brief feeling of happiness or joy. To put it another way, greed is an uncontrollable desire to acquire or use more material goods (food, money, land, etc.).
ssource: https://www.oseiagyemang.com