The Word Of God was written for man, but as to who believes it or not is another discussion to be examined later. However, those who believes in it, spread the gospel through different way. Perhaps, the most ideal ways is through Gospel music.
Ghana has brought forth loads of gospel performers over the most recent three decades or more. And one of these enthusiastic individuals is Yaw Sarpong. At the mention of his name, everyone in Ghana and across board will vouch to the fact that, Yaw Sarpong is one of the greatest and longest serving gospel acts who has preached the word of God through music for well over four decades.
Yaw Sarpong with his music band “Asomafo” has engaged the world with their exceptional performances for such a large number of years constantly. The band which is driven by himself and Obaa Tiwaa have always been overly phenomenal from the beginning and even to date.
Yaw Sarpong’s tunes are so unique and profound that, most of them are recorded live at the music studios, in this way whenever you hear every single one of them, you may think they were simply recorded now. Yaw’s other half called Tiwaa, who is the lead vocalists also adds her unique piece with an extraordinary shrill voice that is quickly recognized by anyone who listens to her. The two always pull swarms during a performance at any event.
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Yaw Sarpong who always composes beautiful and ear-pleasing songs, has not exclusively done as such for himself alone but has composed such a large number of songs for several other performers in the gospel fraternity. Stella Seal, Georgia Agyei, and many more have all profited from the composition of hit tunes from the incredible Yaw Sarpong.
The 59 year old singer/songwriter who is so much cherished by Ghanaians has since the very first moment followed the right way of preaching the word of God through his empowering tunes. Perhaps, his core command was to come and preach through music when he was brought into the world fifty nine years ago in Korlebu in Accra, Ghana.
As challenging as life is, Yaw Sarpong has also experienced thick and flimsy to have the option to cut a specialty for himself and his band. Yaw never had it easy to the extent that, at a point, financial difficulties set in. But he never surrendered but eventually became a household name. At a point in his life, he was a cab driver in Accra for four years after his father passed on. Yaw said, people never recognized him driving them around town in light of reasons obscure to him.
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However, those exceptionally close to him, knew he was a taxi cab driver as a means of making money. In fact, he needed to make money. Today, Yaw Sarpong is a name that rings a bell in the ears of everyone in Ghana and even in the world. Despite the fact that he sings in the local language of Ghana (twi), he had some music collaborations from other African countries.
Surprisingly, Yaw Sarpong has twenty six albums in addition to “Ahobrase3” which he released with Ghana and Africa’s finest and fastest rapper, Sarkodie.

In 2017, Yaw Sarpong received an honorary doctorate degree in Sacred Music from the Ecclesiastical Bishop Leaders Conference of Africa (EBLCA), an affiliate of the Kayiwa International University, Uganda.
Some Albums Of The Legendary Yaw Sarpong:
Wo Haw Ne Sen
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Tenabea Foforo
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Waye Awie
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Yen Nka Nkyere Yen Agya
Hosanna · 2015
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Hwan Na Adwendwen Da Noso
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Yaw Police
Prayer Tower · 2010
Bribiara Nnye Mma No
The Best of Yaw Sarpong & Asomafo · 2018
Adekye Mu Nsem
The Best of Yaw Sarpong & Asomafo · 2018
Osoro Aheman Mu
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Bo Mpae
Hosanna · 2015
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Meye Se Ebinom
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018
Akra Ayera
The Best of Yaw Sarpong & Asomafo · 2018
Asem da Ho Ma Wo
The Best of Yaw Sarpong & Asomafo · 2018
Aseda Ka
Hosanna · 2015
The Best of Yaw Sarpong & Asomafo · 2018
Me To Nnwom
Hosanna · 2015
Ede Ben Na Awurade Ntumi Nnye
Nkoranhye Nnwom · 2018