Money Politics And Why It Is Impeding Progress

Politics is done everywhere in our every day lives. In the church rooms, schools, relationships, institutions, and a lot more, it is common but when it goes past the above mentioned and money begin to ‘stream’ around, that is what they call Money Politics particularly when it has to do with lawmakers.

One of the significant provokes identified with money in politics is the absence of transparency encompassing ideological group and appointive fund. This is the situation over the world and applies to established and fresher vote based systems.

Information on political party and candidate income and expenditure is hardly published online in an accessible and easy to understand way.

If transparency would’ve to be expanded in money politics, then there ought to be the introduction of a system where political parties and up-and-comers file reports online to the political finance oversight office, with the data then openly accessible as an searchable database.

In any case, if this is done, it will give voters a progressively educated picture regarding where parties and candidates get their money from and how they spend it, just as helping crafted by civil service society and journalists to hold them responsible.

As of now, only few countries around the world have political money online reporting and divulgence systems set up.

Until political account legitimate systems are fundamentally looked into, money politics and transparency will never stop to exist. Money politics has truly affected public trust and the authenticity of legislative issues.

The truth of the matter is that, most legislators are financially ‘raping’ residents each and every day with so much exemption from punishment.

Verifiably, most African leaders have for such a significant number of years siphoned a great deal of money to their greatest advantage without considering what may happen to the ordinary residents. The people’s lives appear not to improve at all, yet they continue helping politicians by voting them back to power.

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Not on the grounds that the residents are content with their rule of mandate but because most of these residents will be ‘settled’ with money for casting a ballot for them. Meanwhile, the real work that should be done to make the residents likewise carry on with a comfortable lives are continually hanging dead.

Money politics has greatly affected the growth of many countries in the world, particularly on the African continent. Interestingly, these things have continued for a very long while yet nothing appears to be done about the trend.

Several leaders were trapped in the represent engaging in money politics yet what happened?

Perhaps, there ought to be a solid digital solutions for political finance reporting and divulgence. That way, the world may get some place with the battle against money politics.

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