PayPal doesn’t only operate a worldwide online payment system, but the organization additionally comprehends that economic success and environment action that are inseparably connected.
The weakening impacts of environmental change, including progressively successive and serious tempests, dry spells, and heatwaves are lopsidedly persevered by individuals who are financially underserved.
And according to PayPal, they have an obligation to deal with our impact and promote global environment development for all.
Since every Earth Day (ie. 22nd of April), which is a global day of recognition of the need to protect the earth, PayPal shares how they continues to invest in the future of possibility as environmental sustainability and climate action.
This is very critical to PayPal’s mission of enabling all people to participate fully in the global economy.
Last year, the organization set Science-Based Targets for their ozone gas emissions including an objective of reaching at net-zero emanations by 2040, and are as of now gaining huge headway.
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PayPal’s data center operations team led an initiative to utilize clean energy to power each of their data centers around the world.
Starting back in 2015, they worked with Arizona Public Service to build the Red Rock solar photovoltaic generation facility. They entered into a long-term power purchase agreement with the support of senior leadership.
Their commitment to purchasing renewable energy from this facility has resulted in net-new and additional renewable energy generation, and now they have reached their goal of matching 100% of the energy in our data centers with renewable generation – two years ahead of our 2023 timeline.