Statistics Of Number Of Cars In The World, And How Many Have Been Sold

Cars are requisites in our lives, as they make moving from one destination to the next easy. Hence, there are a huge number of vehicles all throughout the planet.

As per a new 2021 insights by Global Auto Sales and Car Ownership, there are 1.42 billion cars in the world. Of those vehicles, 1.06 billion are private vehicles and 363 million are commercial vehicles.


Cars Will Now Be Lighter, Kind Courtesy New Innovative Technology

However, 70 million worldwide car sales are expected to grow to just under 70 million automobiles in 2021, up from an estimated 63.8 million units in 2020. 3.4 million cars were sold last year, by the U.S. auto industry.

That same year (2020), absolute vehicle and light truck sales were somewhere in the range of 14 and 15 million in the United States.

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