Technology Has Special Potential To Improve Our Lives, But It Can Also Hurt Us – Schwarzenegger

Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger drenched himself in the role of a machine with feelings in one of his most characterizing films.

For the icon, practically nothing epitomizes the remarkable blend of technology and excitement in excess of a ride in an exceptional vehicle.

Cars have united people, connected people in diverse ways – and will keep on doing as such from here on out. They make it conceivable to find new, mysterious spots.

According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, it’s a great feeling to experience moments that will linger forever in the memory.

“Automobiles have a heart and soul, they are emotion,” Schwarzenegger revealed in a short film unveiled at CES in Las Vegas months ago.

Vehicles have always needed the help of film and television technology to communicate feelings. Many still think of “Knight Rider” from the famous US series screened from 1982 when it comes to an independently acting, talking car, at your side as a faithful companion in every situation.

For Schwarzenegger, technology holds a special fascination. This is a direct result of BMW’s I Vision Dee vehicle-that in a real sense justifies itself.

The iconic actor was speaking in an interview with Germany’s automobile company BMW about how technology is going to bring the world joy in the future and why sustainability plays a defining role for him.

Schwarzenegger also spoke about the exciting future behind the wheel of the BMW i Vision Dee vision car.

In the interview, the actor and entrepreneur spoke more about how he does value the life of man and machine.

He said BMW’s i Vision Dee reminds him of him in Terminator 2. She learns quickly, and she cares about humans. Plus, she’s hilarious.

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Dee was built to be the Ultimate Digital Companion. He said at first you feel a little bit crazy talking to a machine, as any of you with iPhones knows. But eventually, it becomes second nature and you realize that this AI can help you, if you’re willing to use it.

“That desire to discover or invent is part of our DNA as humans. Because we know we can grow our world, we just have to find the way to do it”

Humans fundamentally look for new ways to expand our world through technology in recent times, and Schwarzenegger thinks same.

“Imagine before someone discovered fire. They were eating food without any cooking, and when the sun went down, it was pure darkness and that was it for the day. So think about how that discovery expanded the world for humans back then. From one day to the next, they could sit around a fire at night eating delicious food and learning from each other”

“That desire to discover or invent is part of our DNA as humans. Because we know we can grow our world, we just have to find the way to do it. And where does that leave humans in the end?” he revealed.

The ‘Terminator’ actor further said, technology has incredible potential to improve our lives, but it can also hurt us. It all depends on how we use it.

“We’ve all learned now that technology can also tear us apart. Governments all over the world wouldn’t invest in creating division on social media if it didn’t work. Opportunistic people with bad intentions can use that technology against us”.

“I wish all of us would only use technology in a way that makes our worlds better, but that’s just not the real world, so we do have to pay attention and constantly find ways to use technology positively to show people that it is meant to improve our lives, not destroy them”.

“I love technology. At my house, we have solar panels to decrease our pollution. My hummers, which everyone used to call gas-guzzlers, have all been converted to biofuel or electric, and I can drive them without guilt. During the pandemic, I could run all of my businesses and read scripts for my next movie and play chess with friends all over the world while just sitting in my backyard. Think about that! We would have never dreamed of that even 30 years ago!”

On changes about the joy of driving in this digital age, the actor said:

“I have to admit, as much as I love technology, I also love driving. And I love real buttons and switches in a car. But like I said in “Terminator”, I’m a learning computer. I have an open mind. I don’t like the idea of turning over the power to drive to a machine, but I’ll try it. And who knows, I might love getting to see all of the sights while the car gets me where I want to be?

“I talked earlier about the downsides of social media. But for every bad story about some evil person using it against us, there is a story of hope. We just have to look for the hope. I just saw a story about a hundred year old man who loves getting christmas cards, and because thousands of people saw a post on social media, they sent him so many christmas cards they had to be delivered on pallets, and he was in heaven. Think about how simple that is. It took very little effort to give someone one of the greatest surprises of their life”.

“I want us to evolve to always look for the positive and not just complain about the negative. When you’re in that mindset, you have hope. And that’s when you can change the world”.

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