During my journey to the Whistling Rocks and Shrines, I was beaming with excitement. Without further ado before the beginning of a turn, we discovered some incredible gigantic stones at short proximity. I was quickly entranced by this scene. This is the Upper East locale of Ghana. It is situated in the north of the country, and is the second littlest regulatory locale in ten districts of Ghana. The stones sound like the impact of a whistle of a soccer referee.
Tongo Whistling Rocks and Shrines is the name. The astonishing part in the focal point of this fascination is that the Holy Land and the Heavy Stone are joined where you can experience the custom procedure, and experience a sentiment of luck, protection, and prosperity. Here, strict traditions are completed cautiously in various dimensions. And people would’ve to go semi-nude, and be honored if they want.
Local people called the Talensis have incredible regard for this community of Talensi-Nabdam in the south-east of Bolgatanga. The Tongo zone is just 20 square kilometers, yet it has a fascinating history, strict essentialness, and the travel industry. Upon appearance, you will be met without precedent for this hallowed spot by volcanoes and develop stones framed on enormous rocks.
As though by design, they are stunningly and innovatively set. You cannot be more joyful than to see ladies exploiting the warmth from the sun to assemble pleasant visual craftsmanships on the old cottages here. These works, which are part of social practice, supplement a large number of the attractions here. Take mental fortitude and remain on one of the stones, and cautiously watch the deliberately painted covered cabins of the town by the ladies, and you will be carried away.
The houses protect against intrusions by strangers. Many people chosen from Talensi have taken haven in these chalets alongside numerous houses in Talensi. This is in light of the fact that, the chamber formed houses are separated into four very much orchestrated neighborhoods. These houses have little entryways with a short divider.
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The greater part of the houses have a few openings for smoke exits, but for different reasons, they are at present, shut to voyagers. I was lowered when I understood that the enormous rocks make irregular whistling sound during the Harmattan season in November and December, thus the name Whistling rock.
After the sun heats up, you can enjoy a cool reprieve sufficiently large to put the shadow of numerous people on an enormous baobab tree. For the most part, every holy place has its own standards and conventional standards of respectfulness. Tengzug is the same, since it is one of the most renowned in Northern area.
Regardless of whether you are a guest or a regular visitor, you’re obliged to go semi-nude as one of the strange, however fascinating ceremonial prerequisites. Turning out to be topless and barefooted is one of the hallowed services of the sanctuary of Tengzug. The hallowed place was at one time a hideaway for the people of the north, who were caught as slaves by the British, however fled for their lives and wellbeing in 1911.
They subtly covered up in the bumpy territory for quite a long time without food. It was indeed a risky and tragic circumstance. Creatures, for example, winged creatures and chickens are currently utilized for conventional and strict penances, for good karma and appreciation to the progenitors of Talensi.
So How Do You Get Here?
Guests can board a public transport, taxi, or ideally lease the services of a carrier from Accra through Kumasi lastly to Tamale in the northern locale. Arrival time depends on the kind of commercial vehicle. The aircraft takes in any event 45 minutes. The public vehicle takes three (3) hours or more. From the city of Tamale to Bolgatanga—the whistling rocks and the Tengzug sanctuary is few moments away.
At The Chief’s Palace
The Chief of the town of Tongo is the first person to visit before anything else. At the point when he saw us, he put on a big smile comprehensively, and met us in an unassuming loft, seemingly the biggest castle in northern Ghana. We had a discourse under 10 minutes with him, and went straight to the rough bluffs. The central’s royal residence has in excess of 360 people, including his numerous spouses. And all the houses outside are havens.
There are number of stones with blood and chicken plumes. They are filthy, however appealing to the faculties. At the point when you stroll around the bluff, you hear a whistling sound. During a crash the breeze blows through the stones of the cavern, and makes that sound. There is no spiritual connection with this.
In The Tengzug Shrine
Customarily, women can’t enter the sanctuary for specific reasons. On the off chance that you need to ascend the mountain or even the enter the holy place, you don’t have to wear red garments since it is forbidden. Situated in the hallowed holy place is a man in just shorts. His main job is to uncover guest’s dreams of success as convention requests. It’s nothing strange or forceful act but a penance of power, yet very longing. However, if you concur with the customary rites attached to it, you just go ahead and do it.
Occupation of The People
The people of Talensi have lived in the territory for quite a long time, and are for the most part ranchers. In October every year, they play out the Boar Dam festival to praise their gods. The celebration is additionally fixated on the Ba’ar Tonna’ab Ya’nee place of worship, and other Talensi genealogical holy places. Additionally of intetest is the Bat Tree at Baare, 3 km from Tengzug.
Planning, Time and Cost
Bolgatanga has rankling blistering climate, so it is ideal to plan for the trip to this exciting yet strange place. Think about taking along with you shades, caps, water, drinks, long and thick boots, and other important itemsets. The stifling, windless air is by all accounts gradually consuming. Warmth from the floor warms your feet through lightweight shoes.
There is no uncertainty that the stunning idea of the rough heaps of Tongo is available to the world, however you have to know a little information before you start this excursion. You similarly should be there to encounter the Bo’araam Festival, which is compared to the whistling rocks and holy place in October and November. In the event that you are a brew lover, prepare to appreciate the local ones, and experience how jackasses, goats, and fowls are utilized for penances at this celebration.
To explore the social scene of Tongo-Tengzug, outside gatherings are given a markdown of Gh 10.00 ($1.86), while Ghanaians likewise appreciate a rebate on this charge. This include a visit to the model house, slopes, gives in, Chief’s home, and the holy place. As custom requests, the two people reserve the privilege to enter the asylum, yet without garments on the chest area. Most female visitors find it difficult abiding by this tradition, therefore do not enter at all. In fact, the entry of women is prohibited, but not entirely.
Besides being listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO, the cordiality of the people is just exceptional. Tongo Whistling Rocks is perhaps the best spot to observe the conventional and religious lifestyle of Northern Ghana.